OK, here we go:
Small or Big?
Now, Silly me, I thought that small guilds would have less drama, I still do by the way. Well, I was wrong. The first guild I was ever in that meant anything to me was The Almighty, who still exist, but under different leadership. Now, the whole guild broke up basically because of 2 Incidents. 1: A quarter of the guild left because there was an arguement between an officer and the GM about cursing in guild chat, and the officer left, and took alot of people with him. Then another officer sent hate-mail ish stuff to the GM about how she handled it badly. So then the GM and second in command both left the game on the same day, and all the other officers did too, so I was left in charge of a 40 man guild of lvl 30s. Lemme tell ya, it wasn't easy. Anywho, there was no major guild drama during this period, but then school started again and I couldn't handle managing the guild at the same time (too much pressure and all that crap), so I handed lead to a great friend of mine, who then left the game (no one's heard from him since, and the current GM won't give me his email), and he handed the lead to the current GM. Whom, as you can kinda tell, seems to want to have nothing to do with me. So while the current GM and I are both there, someone comes back saying that they are the officer who left, who was my really good friend. And so, I ask him some questions that he couldn't possibly answer unless he was really my friend, and he logs off. So, now, about 4 months later me an him got back together, and sorted it all out, with multiple apologies on both sides. Anywho, I'm not in this guild anymore, so I don't know all the stuff about it, but as it seems they are getting ready for heroics and the like. So, whats my shtick about this? Small guilds, close friends, and set rules make all the difference. Know everyone's name and traits, know their spec, professions, class, and be friends with them. Have set rules so no one can screw anything up. Small rules, but good ones.
Guild Recruitment is a B#!@
Yes, it is, I've been the GM of my own guild, , and in all that time, we only managed to have a hight of 9 members, and a current population of 4. I can't recruit for it, so I'm seeing if I can merge with another guild, a good merger, not an unfair one.
If you haven't noticed already, this has basically been a post for me to vent. Thanks,
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