Thursday, January 3, 2008

Maces, that which were a dying breed

So when I first start out as a rogue, my cousin, not the one I play with, that ones brother (you'll probably hear a lot about my cousin Goolash, who I play with), anyway, he tells me rogue = daggers, because this is the way it was when he was raiding pre-bc.  So now I'm lvl 66, and everyone says "go swords" or "go maces" because maces are for pvp and swords are for raiding and pvp.  So I does it, and since I'm in a guild of 5 people, raiding doesn't look like an option, so I go maces, and start to plan an arena team with a buddy of mine.

Just a side note: Goolash, that cousin I was talkin about, is not included in our 2v2 and 3v3 plans together because he left the guild, and I hold a grudge for a while.

Back to the topic at hand, maces, I love em.  I was honing my *cough* skillz*cough* for pvp *cough*, and the proc stuns were awsome.  amazing awsome.  me and Blood, I'll call my friend who is pvp inclined that, were dueling outside Telaar in Nagrand, I got pwned once, he got pwned once, I won another time, and he won 2 other times, all closer games.

So I'm proud that I used my abilities correctly to defeat him, purely because he calls himself "beastly".

Agh, I'm getting off topic.  So, maces, pve, right, I remember.  Why is it that maces are not used for pve?  I've got a few reasons why I love them in pve, and a few why they probably aren't used.

Why I love maces in pve:
  1. The stun proc keep caster mobs to a minimum often
  2. They don't do great burst damage, but on my character they hit consistently for over 200
  3. They match the dwarven race, which I am proud to say that I am one of
  4. The look hot in stealth
  5. I love doing a hemo spam in groups, it might not be the smartest thing, but it works, and its fun
Why people don't like them for pve:
  1. They aren't a great source of dps, sustained or burst
  2. to get them to be really good in pve, or pvp, you have to stack hit, crit, and AP, so you hit every time, and hit hard
  3. Daggers/swords are better sustained dps for pve, they also have a non-pvp inclined specialization talent
  4. There is stuff thats just plain better for pve
But why do we always have to conform to the easiest way of life.  It used to be (early bc) that no one played survival hunters, because people thought they were dreaded "melee" hunters, and shunned the very thought.

When I first started rogue everyone said "Don't go sub for lvling", but I did, and I lvled fine.

So why can't we do what other people say is bad?  I realize that I'm conforming to the standard mace pvp spec and all, but I basically went maces because dwarves go along with maces better than daggers or swords, or even, to a degree, fist weps.  Anywho, its because we're afraid of people saying: "You don't work as hard as us because you don't do as much dps as us" and then kick you from the group in the middle of fighting Illy or something, and then from the guild too.

We don't want to be criticized, we don't want to be taken apart and examined, we want to be with the in-crowd, we want to conform.

For instance, Blood, "beastly" as he is, has a wierd spec.  By wierd I mean, who woulda thoutta that? wierd.  Its a hybrid spec that has prep, but no hemo, and ghostly strike (I never understood why people didn't take the talent) and also Cold Blood, and imp Gouge in the combat tree.  So yes, its odd, but it works, it works well.

What does this have to do with the evolution of the maces spec in WoW? Nothing, I just wanted to touch on this topic.  

So, has blizz buffed maces, or did some people realize that it was a good spec?  Who knows, I'm no internet surfer or number cruncher, so I'll probably never know.

The one thing I can say: I love maces, alot

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